
luni, 31 iulie 2017

The Hungarian State finances 50 crèches in Romania.

Wow !! Scandalous !! The Hungarian State finances 50 crèches in Romania. Good for them !!! What is the problem ? That's exactly what Romania does in Moldova.

Today I've been having a wonderful conversation with a wonderful lady

Today I've been having a wonderful conversation with a wonderful lady. We talked about the Flower Bridge, Independence, Ion and Doina, the current situation, the theme of Reunion, Mircea Snegur, Ion Iliescu. We talked for about 2 hours and we did not stop.

It would be Bessarabia

It would be Bessarabia. On Saturday I was at a vernissage dedicated to Bessarabia. Let me not praise you and tell you that the director of the County Museum of Ethnography Braşov asked me for the help in question. Of course I helped her. with pleasure. Yesterday I was watching the protests. Today I went to the library. When I leave the library, a lady stops me. He tells me that he heard me and he saw me at the library and liked how I talk about the problem of the brethren across the Prut. She told me that she was from Chisinau, but she moved for about 20 years in Romania told me that she was a faculty colleague with Ion Aldea-Teodorovici. Eeeehhhhh !!!!! Here the level of discussion has changed. She told me that during the proclamation of Independence she was a reporter on state television. The fact was that a young man would come to join the library. Surprise !!! The young woman is coming ....... from Chisinau. We established, in a joke, a group of those coming from Bessarabia, but also passionate about the problem of Bessarabia, to meet at the library.

Does Russia want to get rid of Plahotniuc?

Dmitry Rogozin's new statements are surprising. He said that the Government of the Republic of Moldova is under the control of the oligarch Plahotniuc. Have they now figured out? Certainly not !
      It seems that Plahotniuc has disturbed the Russians. We do not know what. Let's not forget that Plahotniuc helped Igor Dodon, a pro-Russian politician, to become president. It seems to Plahotniuc that his plans are gone.
      He's still trying to find help in America. It is trying to resolve the Transnistrian conflict. Nobody wants this. It hurts the Russians here.
      Such statements should give us much thought. Let's not forget that Dodon will meet with Rogozin in Tehran. This meeting will not bring anything good for the Republic of Moldova and Romania.

We have 2 crazy people. It's Trump and Putin

We have 2 crazy people. It's Trump and Putin. Both are unpredictable. From them we can expect anything. The US-Russia conflict escalates every day. Somewhere they will face the military. Problma is that if Russia attacks the US through North Korea, the Third World War will begin.

duminică, 30 iulie 2017

I made the decision to present the situation in the Republic of Moldova worldwide

I made the decision to present the situation in the Republic of Moldova worldwide. That's why I'm publishing the blog on English. I want my views to be known internationally. Maybe so I find a job abroad and leave the country.

Whoever did not see a sunset in Săcele did not see anything.

Whoever did not see a sunset in Săcele did not see anything. It's a splendor !!!

Defamation. Use of falsehood and incitement to hatred and contempt. Handling

Defamation. Use of falsehood and incitement to hatred and contempt. Handling. We know these concepts well, but let them pass by as long as they do not affect us personally. And the victim? Do you know what happens to the victim? Angry, disgusted, scared for the silence of the near, the victim does not know what to choose: to ignore it so that it does not spread even more misery or face slander and defamation, most often threatening to make it out of sight of society. Until we tolerate? Until we hesitate to say one not decided to these excreta of frustrated and cowardly? Until they affect us personally? Wrong. Let's just say NO to the defamation. Come with support messages to defamation victims, hash tags, other ideas to promote anti-hate speech, spread information without fear and shame (fear and shame are not ours). #StopDefamation #StopFakes from GBC and "Branches"

Source : Ana Ursachi

The Republic of Moldova is returning over time.

The Republic of Moldova is returning over time. It's back in the era of custom killings. Assassins masked in suicides or accidents.

The Plahotniuc-Dodon couple sold Moldova to the Russians.

The Plahotniuc-Dodon couple sold Moldova to the Russians. I agree that the world is protesting. But where were these leaders when it was announced that Rogozin would visit Chisinau? Why did not they claim that Rogozin be declared non-grata persona? I mean Maia Sandu and Andrei Nastase

Does Dodon feel good?

Igor Dodon, the President of the Republic of Moldova, will visit Iran. We, the Romanians, have experience. Ceausescu visited Iran in December 1989. He was killed a few days after he returned. Does Dodon feel good?

Dmitry Rogozin reminds me of General Lebed.

Dmitry Rogozin reminds me of General Lebed. I hope he will have the same end as General Lebed.

God sent me this dream to warn the world

I dreamed that a red water flooded the earth. There was a ship on that water. And the ship was Kim Jong-un. Everyone prayed to God. The world knew something terrible was going to happen.

God sent me this dream to warn the world. I prayed all night to God to send me a message.

Red water = blood

sâmbătă, 29 iulie 2017


Will there be a new conflict in the Republic of Moldova?

Today (Friday) was a tense day. Russia is escalating the tensions caused by them too. Dmitry Rogozin knew very well that the airplane would not be able to fly over Romania's airspace. He did it intentionally. Then he made a cheap circus. He accused Romania of jeopardizing the life of the passengers on the plane. The one who did this was just him.
Immediately, Igor Dodon held a press briefing. He attacked Romania in a mournful style. He said he would call on his supporters to fight against the Romanians. Do you know what that means? Civil war in which Romania will be indirectly involved. Probably here is going to get there. Then Igor Dodon will call on the Russian Army on the Dniester.
There is a growing number of pro-Romanians in the Republic of Moldova. Some are real. Unfortunately these are few. Most are used. That's because I see that the Republic of Moldova will not be able to integrate into the EU as an independent state. That's not to talk to pro-Russians who have a Romanian passport. Looks like Dodon would have.
Such statements should alert us. Especially since the year 2018 is coming. Centenary of the Union. Russia and Hungary do anything to destabilize the situation in the area. We risk awakening that we are neighbors with a large Transnistria.

joi, 27 iulie 2017

The only thing

The only thing that works well in Romania is the shameful program of the population.

All the girls are sluts

All the girls are sluts. I already have convinced me. All girls are the same. All the girls are sluts

You can not change language and history, Comrade Dodon.

You can not change language and history, Comrade Dodon. I'm busy today. But I will write, these days, an editorial about the referendum rejected by the Constitutional Court.

I wrote the editorial and posted on my blog in English.

I wrote the editorial and posted on my blog in English. I begin to focus more on English. That my opinions should be internationally known.

miercuri, 26 iulie 2017

Why is Romania silent?

Igor Dodon strikes non-stop in Romania. Search for any reason to attack Romania. He wants to forbid the union forces by law. Dodon does not realize that by doing so will make unionism good.
Romania has repaired the children's kindergarten from Igor Dodon's home town. Dodon tried to conceal this by a lie.
Now there is a fierce fight for the promotion of Moldovan language and history. The renowned Vasile Stati returned to the foreground. There is a problem of returning to the Cyrillic script. Not even Voronin has gone so far. These things are not spoken in Romania.
Igor Dodon will decorate the Russian soldiers and the "pacifiers" on the Dniester. Will he also be the one who killed Vadim Pisari?
The Centenary of the Great Union is a fantasy in Romania. That, while in Chisinau, in contrast, the Stephen the Great and the Holy Year was decreed in 2018. This is not a coincidence. Stefan cel Mare is buried on the current territory of Romania. This part of the territory is targeted in the project "Moldova Mare"
This action is well synchronized with that in Budapest. I mean Trianon. The Republic of Moldova is a powder barrel. Rogozin will make a new visit these days. Those in Romania rarely visit. I mean the country's leadership. The problem is that even then they make big mistakes.
Evidence that they do not have good counselors on this issue.Romania is still swallowing blows from Igor Dodon. Of course these blows are coordinated from Moscow. Why is the Bucharest authorities silent? I have not seen the diplomatic answers given in Bucharest. The Romanian media does not talk much about Moldovan issues. With the exception of Mr. Dungaciu and Chifu, true specialists, we do not have informed opinion makers on the theme of the Republic of Moldova. People to explain to ordinary people what's going on there, We only have a Telejurnal from TVR Moldova. It's a shame we do not have a daily radio at an acceptable time. There are no TV stations in Chisinau on cable companies. In Romania, the Republic of Moldova continues to be a great unknown. I'm wodering why ?
We might be surprised at the border. Surprises for which neither the state nor the population will be ready. Dodon is increasingly aggressive. Romania needs to answer, diplomatically, and prepare the population through the media for what will happen.
Russia threatens a cloud of war on the Dniester. We do not know if it will happen. But what will Romania do if it happens?
What will it do if, in the case of a war on the Dniester, the population beyond the Prut will ask for union? Are Romanians mentally prepared for this?
Why is Romania silent?

Liliana Vieru- Fructul interzis e dulce

marți, 25 iulie 2017

Trăim în țara viilor îngropați

Trăim în țara viilor îngropați. Am o vecină care tot timpul spunea de alte persoane că au murit. Apoi mă întâlneam cu omul pe stradă. Unii dintre ei chiar au murit după aceea. Alții trăiesc și acum. Așa au făcut unii pe facebook cu Denisa Emilia Răducu. Au tot îngropat-o. Până când a murit săraca.
Vreau să transmit sincere condoleanțe ! Îmi pare rău pentru ea. Nu ascult genul de muzică pe care îl cânta ea. Însă uman îmi pare rău că a murit tânără. La vârsta de 27 de ani.
Apoi s-a dus lumea să primească un prosop la înmormântare. S-au bătut pe prosoape. Suntem o țară de pomanagii și de puturoși bârfitori.

sâmbătă, 22 iulie 2017

Why is Career Important?

Why is Career Important? Try to paz   something with love. Going? No! Can you pay the taxes with love? No! Can you buy food with love? No! For all this you need money! Now you're gonna tell me you need love so someone can wrap you up in bed and take care of you. That's how it is ! But I'm looking at Donald Trump. He has solved this problem. How? He is famous and rich!

I can not get rid of Bessarabia

I can not get rid of Bessarabia. The truth is I do not want to. Yesterday I met a group of Bessarabians. Also yesterday, at the official opening of Sântilia, the music of the doctors and Doina and Ion Aldea-Teodorovici was put. Previously, I let go of the TV. Great surprise !!!!!!! On N24 Plus, the movie Wedding in Bessarabia is broadcast. Is it when I make a wedding in Bessarabia?

Sântilia 2017

Tourists in Brasov