
vineri, 25 decembrie 2015

Balance at end of year and plans for next year

First of all I wish you a Merry Christmas! Here it ends immediately and 2015. It seems like yesterday I was thinking about what show to watch New Year. Now I know that I will look on Rai Uno all. The only negative part is that I have not yet found your soul mate. Maybe next year ! I had a better year. I was 2 times in Chisinau. I met wonderful people. I revisited my wonderful friend Irina Staver (2 times) and Cristina yellow (once). Since August I was given a unique opportunity. The chance to write articles for two portals on both banks of the Prut. It's the roar of Arad (thank Mr Alexandru Chirita Sorin Ghilea and of course, our old common knowledge, the professor Lorin Fortuna and all who are part of the MISSION Astrea '' ROMANIA selfless and wise '') and portal Moldova9 ( Many thanks journalist Vitalie Gutu). It is a wonderful experience that I wish to continue next year. Almost forgot to thank my wonderful friend and Irina Staver. He took some of my articles for Hunter portal of Votes. I believe that my mission is in Romania to speak of the reality and the situation in Moldova.
Apart from Mr. Dan Dungaciu and Chifu, true professionals you listen to it, Romania has analysts on relations between the two banks of the Prut.
      For next year I want health. On a personal level I want to find my life partner is a professional basarabeancă.Pe I want to carry on my mission. I go as often in Moldova. I address a wide audience on both sides of those in Romania Prutului.Să show them that the others are all Romanian bank. That although some say they are different.
    To continue fighting for Moldova 1 cable introduction in Romania. That's because a bridge of information would be more useful than a hundred Bridge of Flowers.
   Healthier and live ROMANIA!

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